Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Weekend...

Good Morning All...

Hope you all had a wonderfully blessed weekend?

My weekend was not of the best.....

This weekend i have thought a lot about friendship and the human race.

I was always a loner, never had real friends or never really fit in somewhere.
You see the last few weeks i was so blindsided and thought that i actually fit in somewhere, how wrong was I?! 
Anyway not to tell you the whole sad story, I realized only this morning that sitting and crying is not going to help me feel better and its not going to change anything, so this morning while finishing for work I pray and ask God, "What should I do? is this something that God has brought on my path to open my eyes?" 

I know God did not create us to be alone, He Himself was lonely and therefore created man, but just as man hurt God, man hurts his friends and people that actually cares for him as well.
See when I didn't have friends I was alone mostly at home with my own thoughts and that was when I was closest to God, is this not what God is looking for?
Do not understand me wrong, I know God wants me to have friends, but maby He does not want me to feel the hurt that comes along with it, I am a sensitive person, and that will not change because its part of who God made me.

Its a hard situation to be in, but I know that God, Jesus is with me and is my best friend, my Savior and my Comfort, in Him I trust.
Whatever or wherever He want to take me I will do and Follow.


  1. From one of your friend's who really cares about you, and never meant to heard you....

    1. feature=player_detailpage&v=OmFGGaIzhkY

      Just For my Friends... I LOVE you still :)
