Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jesus Loves....

a Few days ago I saw this picture and at first I was quit upset until I really thought about it, its true you know, Jesus does Love them, just as much as He loves me and you.
These words do not define that person but rather their behavior, but whats the difference between them repenting, and me? NONE there is no difference , if it comes from your hart and you are truly sorry about it, and will not do it again, Jesus will FORGIVE!!
Who are we to Judge, when its not our right, not our place, Jesus did not Judge, He loves no matter what your sin, He will take it away and leave you spotless....
Remember God picked you on purpose. He's not surprised by you because He chose you! Nothing you can say or do will catch Him off guard, He know what your thinking even before you did, He knows what your going to do next even before you do, still He love you just as you are because He created you, He thought you out, He counted the hairs on your head and breathed His breath into you to create live! He even engraved His love on your heart to show to the world.
So don't judge and reject people because their behavior is as above, but rather show them the love of God, Jesus and turn the light on in their hearts.

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