Thursday, June 14, 2012

WhAT doEs YoUR LettER SaY?

What Does Your Letter Say?

Christ has written a letter on your heart.

You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. 2 Corinthians 3:2-3
What an amazing thing. Just as Jesus, God incarnate, was the letter of God, the perfect representation of God, you are a letter of Christ. Jesus lives in you. This is fact if you believe who He is and have received Him.

What kind of letter are you for others to read? A love letter? A letter of resignation? A letter that's lost in the mail?

Maybe you're indifferent or you've given up, or lost hope.  Maybe church has let you down. Don't confuse imperfect human love with God's love. When you accept Jesus as Savior and Lord it's done. He is in you and He isn't going to leave you. You may walk away, but He doesn't. It's His promise. God's love is passionate, committed, and irrevocable.

Be honest with yourself and with God about your failures and sin. Confess, repent, and receive God's forgiveness. Believe it and do not believe satan's lie to the contrary. Be honest about others failures and how they have sinned against you. Take their sin against you to the cross. Don't deny your pain but forgive them, from the heart. You must forgive, maybe over and over until you're free. This is a spiritual transaction. Don't be worried about your feelings. They change later.

Now you're clean. Do you want to experience meaning and purpose and abundant life as God intends it for you? Do you desire to be the letter God created you to be? Ask God for a deeper revelation of His love for you. Ask again and again. He will deepen your love and intimacy. It's His will. Ask Him to reveal to you who you are in the Kingdom – you're unique identity in the Body of Christ. What letter of Christ am I?  Ask, seek, knock. He will show you.

If you're not in church, go. Get connected and participate. A great deal of your letter is written and read within the Body of Christ. Don't forsake meeting together.

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