Thursday, March 29, 2012



* For as little as $240 and as few as 45 minutes, Operation Smile can change a child’s life by providing free reconstructive cleft lip surgery for a child in need.
* Operation Smile has more than 6,000 credentialed medical volunteers ready to donate their time and talent on our medical missions worldwide.
* Operation Smile has created a global medical institution comprised of a worldwide network of teaching hospitals and university partners to help train healthcare professionals. Our partners in education include Chang Gung Hospital and University, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Duke University, George Washington University, The Hospital for Sick Children/University of Toronto, Old Dominion University, Penn State University, Southern Illinois University, University of Maryland, University of Rome, University of Southern California and Yale University.
* Operation Smile is an International Training Organization (ITO) of the American Heart Association (AHA), authorized by the AHA to function as a global and mobile ITO.
* Operation Smile has Global Resource Chapters and U.S. Chapters that raise funds, recruit volunteers and raise awareness. U.S. Chapters are located in North/South Carolina, Colorado, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Tennessee, Utah, Washington and District of Columbia, as well as offices in New York City and Los Angeles.
* Thousands of students in more than 600 Operation Smile Student Clubs in the United States and around the world raise awareness and funds as well as educate students about values of commitment, leadership and volunteerism.
* The annual Operation Smile Physicians’ Training Program (PTP) brings doctors and nurses from around the world to the United States for advanced training in their specialized skills. Since 1987, nearly 800 health care professionals have attended the program, held at our headquarters in Norfolk, VA.
* The World Care Program brings children and young adults, through sponsorships, to the United States and other World Care Program countries for surgeries that are too complicated to be performed during in-country missions. Since 1985, more than 200 World Care patients have received life-changing surgery.
1. Main website:

Donations Go To

Operation Smile
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit (EIN: 54-1460147)

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