Friday, March 30, 2012

EnJoY yOuR wEEkEnD GuYs! :)

EnJoY yOuR wEEkEnD GuYs! :)

Do You Inspire Others for Christ?

Do You Inspire Others for Christ?

God designed you to be a continual learner.  He also designed you to continue to explore His creation, and to push yourself outside of your boundaries.  Although this might make you uncomfortable in the beginning, it broadens your path toward new opportunities—and gives others the courage to do the same.
You should strive to be different today than you were yesterday – and different tomorrow than you were last month.  You should strive for constant transformation in your life!  Your ability to engage in continual growth will also determine how you are able to impact others, and the world.

Food for Thought: 
'Character is what you have left when you've lost everything you can lose.' 
Evan Esar


Thursday, March 29, 2012

FaceBooK PaGe

PleaSe Go LikE mY FaCebOOk PaGe -


Today i want to chat to you about a important subject and something that i have thought of:


I firmly believe that God does NOT make people sick; and God does NOT want people to suffer. We can see this by looking at the life of Jesus. He healed the sick. He CURED people. He did not make them sick!

Why, then, are so many in pain?

There is no good or easy answer. But to try and understand, we must step back and look at the big picture. God made everything perfect. When man sinned, that perfection was spoiled and all of our environment was tainted. The fact is, we live in a world where evil abounds. It is rampant throughout every aspect of creation. We are subject to the evil actions of sinful people around us. God can and does intervene in some events, but why not others? I Remember that God said He would not force us in anyway because He gave us a free will, and therefore we have decisions to make. In heaven, there will be no more death, sadness, pain, sickness, or suffering of any kind. 

Below are some thoughts on why I believe God allows us to suffer.

1) One reason many of us suffer is because we do things that cause us pain. We don't eat right, so we have heart attacks. We drive carelessly or fast, so we have accidents. We smoke, so we get lung cancer.
I also believe that these things give the devil that little gap that he needs to come in and destroy life's.

2) But what about innocent children who are not responsible for their suffering? Why do they get sick? Maybe it's because we do not live in a perfect world. God intended for us to have perfect bodies, perfect health, and freedom from pain and suffering. The world He created was originally perfect, just as He had planned it. But evil destroyed our perfect world. When sin entered the picture, it brought with it death, pain, and suffering. Don't misunderstand me, people do not suffer because of their own personal sins, necessarily; but because the world is changed because of sin being in the world. Jesus said, "In this world, you will have tribulation." Just as in the case with Job, I believe that evil forces attack us and cause much suffering in an attempt to get people to blame God and turn away from Him.
In order for God to preserve our rights as individuals (to choose for ourselves), He had to allow us the freedom to sin. He also had to allow the consequences of our behaviors. That means that He does not normally interfere with things which happen naturally in this world, such as sickness and disease caused by toxins in the environment, accidents as a result of risky behaviors, and natural disasters resulting from changes in the ozone layer, etc. God does not cause these natural consequences, but He does allow them. However, many times, He does intervene miraculously or work even in the worst of situations to bring about something good from them.

3) Why would God allow me to suffer? Maybe so that I can increase my faith in Him, increase my compassion for others, or be better able to encourage and help other hurting people (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

Romans 8:18: "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us!"
Romans 8:17: "We must also share in his suffering, if we are to share in his glory."
John 16:33: "In this world you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world." (Or as another translations puts it: "Take courage, I've deprived it of its power to harm and conquer you.")
James 5:13: "Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray."
1 Peter 4:12: "Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you. But to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing." And verse 19 says: "Let those who suffer ... entrust their souls to a faithful Creator. . ."

What do you think??

Religion in Public schools.

I came across a very touchy and important subject.... Religion in Public schools.

Below is a few quotes which expresses the current situation in school concerning religion:


"Americans are being denied the right to express their religious speech in the public     square." Ralph Reed, Christian Coalition.

"Public schools can neither foster religion nor preclude it. Our public schools must treat religion with fairness and respect and vigorously protect religious expression as well as the freedom of conscience of all other students. In so doing our public schools reaffirm the First Amendment and enrich the lives of their students". Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley June 1998

"A Congress that allows God to be banned from our schools while our schools can teach about cults, Hitler and even devil worship is wrong, out of touch, and needs some common sense." Rep. James Traficant, (D-OH) 1999-APR-27.

"There is no such source and cause of strife, quarrel, fights, malignant opposition, persecution, and war, and all evil in the state, as religion. Let it once enter our civil affairs, our government would soon be destroyed. Let it once enter our common schools, they would be destroyed." Supreme Court of Wisconsin, Weiss v. District Board, 1890-MAR-18.

"A union of government and religion tends to destroy government and degrade religion." Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, Engel v. Vitale, (1962)

"School sponsorship of a religious message is impermissible because it sends the ancillary message to members of the audience who are nonadherents that they are outsiders, not full members of the political community, and an accompanying message to adherents that they are insiders, favored members of the political community. " U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Santa Fe v. Doe, (2000).

What are your thoughts and feelings on this subject??



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We are storytellers. We are visionaries, humanitarians, artists, and entrepreneurs. We are individuals part of a generation eager for change and willing to pursue it.
As a non-profit we work to transform apathy into activism. By documenting the lives of those living in regions of conflict and injustice, we hope to educate and inspire individuals in the Western world to use their unique voice for change. Our media creates an opportunity for people to become part of a grassroots movement that intelligently responds to what is happening in the world.
But our work extends beyond our borders. In war-affected regions we focus on long-term development, working directly with individuals and institutions that are eager to realize their full potential. Through education and innovative economic opportunities, we partner with affected communities and strive to improve the quality of life for individuals living in conflict and post-conflict regions.
For more info visit
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3. Connect people to the war-affected children in northern Uganda through compelling stories and revolutionary programs.

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John 15:12-15

John 15:12-15 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you."

How He Loves lyrics by David Crowder Band


Treat others as YOU wish to be treated......

Treat others as YOU wish to be treated......

For the past few days I have felt Love, Hate, Sad, Happy, Kindness, Back stabbing.....
So it made me think of how people actually treat each other.
i mean would a friend who really claims to be your friend treat you in any way he/she wouldn't want to be treated?

Wikipedia explains the "golden rule"as follow:
This concept describes a "reciprocal" or "two-way" relationship between one's self and others that involves both sides equally and in a mutual fashion

"Two-way"?  Doesn't it sound familiar? when God created man, He created someone whom He can have a relationship with because He was lonely. Man failed God because of sin and therefore the perfect relationship between God and man was ruined, but lucky all was not lost and Jesus came to reconcile, when Jesus was on earth He had perfect relationships with the people around Him because He lived with them and walked with them. He got to know them, He treated them with respect and Love. Should we not follow this amazing example? Should we not walk with people and get to know them, should we not treat them with Respect and Love?
YES, yes we should, and when we start doing this we will see a big change not only in others around us, but in our own being because then we start to show the love of Jesus in our lives.
Relationships are delicate and because we are human and not perfect we hurt easily and therefore i think if the thing i am about to say would hurt me, then it will most likely hurt the other person. 

When you put yourself in the others person shoes, live might not be as nice as you think it will be, we all have problems and issues, rather share those problems with your friends and then your not carrying the heavy burden alone, but you have people who can carry you and help you.

Cherish your relationships, not only with your friends but with your parents, co-workers and everyone you come in contact with....

Food for thought: The worth of any friendship can be measured by its contribution to Gods Assignment to your life.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hi everyone

Hi everyone, sooooo I am new at this whole blogging business.
I thought about starting this blog so that you can have a place to freely talk about your beliefs and can express how you see live and people in it.
I want everyone to be apart of this blog and enjoy it!!!